It's been a very long time since I last wrote.
Life has taken me on a journey that I hadn't planned on.
I wanted to share my latest rug. I just finished it late this afternoon.
It's called "Forever True" a 32" round and retails for $80.00.
This rug is so full of memories for me.
I designed it late June/early July 2015. I was feeling very patriotic as my second son, Sam was in the middle of his BMT (basic military training) in San Antonio, Texas.
2 years prior son Drew was going through the same process.
When Drew was at BMT I made a dye formula called "Dress Blues". This rug is hooked using that particular recipe.
We unexpectedly lost Drew on July 25 of this year when he was on active duty in Guam.
I hooked this as we traveled over the last 7 months.
It is a bittersweet rug in that it has happy and sad memories but a rug that I will ALWAYS cherish.
Happy Hooking
Cherish Every Day!