We taught a class on Saturday to a mother, daughter-in-law and granddaughter who is 6 soon to be 7 next month.
We had such a fun day and they all picked up on it very quickly.
It's very rewarding to teach someone the love of rug hooking.

I drew Ella a circle and showed her a couple of examples of what I thought she should do. At first she rejected my ideas and her mom's.
We started with writing her name and let her pick some worms from my worm basket and left her alone.
Before we knew it Ella had covered her entire circle with motifs that she could relate to.
They were a tad small but we went with it anyway. ;)
I smiled all day just thinking about what this rug will look like!
Dad is recovering from his shoulder replacement surgery.
He is starting to feel better so it's getting harder to keep him down and resting.
In fact, I believe he was in his shop sanding this morning when he couldn't sleep.
Sanding was NOT on the PT list of exercises!
Dave brought us treats from the local bakery TASTE.
They close their coffee lid openings with a mustache.
We took a "selfie" for fun!
Happy Hooking today and take a silly picture!